Forradalmi Megoldás a Húsiparban – Stabilabb Raklapok, Alacsonyabb Költségek
Gyakran előfordul, hogy minden adott a jelentős költségcsökkentéshez a csomagolás terén, mindössze némi szakértelemre van szükség, hogy a lehetőségeket kihasználjuk.
MANUNATURE® BD LC3 is a polyethylene coextruded stretch film, designed for pallet wrapping and transport safety. The film is 100% recyclable as well as the film has the ability to safely biodegrade within two years from the end of its service life if accidently disposed on land.
* This product is meant for pallet wrapping and transport safety, thus for packaging with indirect food contact. However, it is guaranteed that occasional food contact does not imply any risk to human and animal health.