Manupackaging Magyarországon

A Manupackaging Magyarország azoknak a kis- és nagyvállalatoknak nyújt komplex csomagolástechnikai szolgáltatásokat, amelyek csökkenteni szeretnék csomagolási költségeiket, optimalizálni szeretnék a csomagolási folyamatot.

Newsletter Form (#1)
Arato Gabor

Arató Gábor

managing director engineer-economist, light industrial engineer, packaging technologist


I graduated from the Technical College of Light Industry in 1997 as a Light Industry Engineer, specialising in Packaging Technology. Afterwards I graduated from the postgraduate course of M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2001. Since 1997 I have been working in the field of packaging technology, first in production and later on the sales side. I have managed Manuli Stretch Hungary Ltd. since its start-up in 2004. I consider it an important mission to introduce to domestic manufacturing companies technological innovations that allow them to pack not only faster and with higher capacity, but also more cost-effectively and with less packaging material, so that the packaging protects the product during transport. In these innovations, we continue to reduce the environmental impact of packaging materials year on year, by promoting environmentally friendly and biodegradable packaging materials, while reducing packaging emissions.

Our regional technicians
